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   Hotel night
   When does the hotel night start and end?
The hotel day starts at 15:00 and ends at 12:00 the next day.
   Is it possible to check-in earlier then 3PM?
Yes, it is possible but subject to availability. Usually, early check-in requires an additional fee. The cost of such a service is 50% of the daily price if check-in occurs between 9AM and 11AM. From 11AM and 2PM, 25% of the daily rate is charged. Early check-in before 9AM is equal to the cost of an additional night.
   Is it possible to check-out later then 12PM?
Yes, it is possible but subject to availability. A later check-out time will be charged extra. For check-out by 4 PM, 25% of the daily room-rate will be charged. For check-out by 6 PM 50% of the room rate will be charged. Check out after 6 PM. will be charged at the full daily rate.
   Guests of our guests
   Do hotel guests have the option of inviting their guests to the hotel?
Our Hotel Guests can invite their friends to the bar or restaurant. As for visiting the rooms, it is possible, however, visitors are required to leave the hotel by 10 PM. In case of non-compliance, further steps will be taken, including imposing an additional financial penalty for each additional unchecked person in accordance with the hotel regulations.
   Staying in a hotel with a pet
   Is it possible to come to the hotel with a pet?
Yes, of course. Our hotel guests can visit us with their pets at a charge of PLN 50 per night per animal. In case of prior information, the room is prepared for a stay with an animal – it is equipped with a bed for a pet and a bowl.
   Wellness & Spa
   Is it possible to use the Wellness & Spa area if you’re not a hotel guest?
Our spa area is exclusive to our guests. We do however offer gift vouchers for massages and the use of the spa area. The standard validity of the voucher is 6 months. The voucher can be used daily from 10 AM to 6 PM
   What are the opening times of the Wellness & Spa?
The Wellness & Spa zone is available to hotel guests from 6 AM to 12 PM. Treatments and massages are possible between 6:30 AM and 11:30 PM with prior reservation.
   Staying at the hotel with the family
   Do you have rooms for families?
In the case of a family stay, we can propose several solutions. Most often it depends on the age of the children. We offer cots suitable for children up to 3 years of age. Another option is a Junior Suite or a Suite with two separate beds. We have the option of adding extra beds for children in higher standard rooms, such as Junior Suite, Suite or Luxury Suite. The cost of such a service is 150PLN per night for one extra bed. We also offer several rooms with a sofa bed that can accommodate two children. The sofa preparation service is at the equivalent cost of an extra bed. We can adapt our offer to the needs of our guests. When it comes to connected rooms or those with separate zones, we do not have such solutions in our offer. All our rooms consist of one room and a bathroom, but in some of them there is a partial separation with the use of available furniture or a wall.
   What is the procedure for purchasing vouchers? How is the payment and delivery of the voucher carried out?
Vouchers can be purchased on spot or via e-mail. Payment can be made by card, cash or bank transfer. It is also possible to send the voucher by courier or electronically. Vouchers are written in a specially created format. The content is up to the buyer. You can buy it for yourself or as a gift. When purchasing a voucher, the buyer receives an accounting note. You will receive an invoice or a receipt during its execution.
   Is it possible to extend the validity of the voucher?
Yes, of course. Usually, we issue vouchers with 6 months validity. As for the issue of a possible extension of the voucher's durability, it can be agreed individually with the reception.
   Do you have a parking? What is the cost of parking per day?
Yes, we offer valet parking. We have an underground car park. The cost per night for one parking space is 170 PLN or 15 PLN per hour. The cost of parking in front of the Hotel is 340 PLN per day, 30 PLN/hour, due to space limitations. Due to the historical architecture and the location of our hotel, the parking lot is small. For this reason, we sometimes use the underground car-park in our sister property VITKAC department store which is just 5 minutes away. Our hotel guests do not have to worry about parking, it is enough to park the car in front of the hotel and hand over the keys to the porter. They are responsible for the entire procedure. In order to avoid delays, please inform the reception 30 minutes before to bring out your car.
   The location of the hotel
   Where is the hotel located? How can I get to the hotel?
The location of the hotel is very convenient. The hotel is located in the very center of Warsaw, at Plac Powstańców Warszawy 9. It is easily reachable by car and public transport - there are Metro Świętokrzyska station, buses, trams and trains at walking distance. When you are traveling by car, the best route is turning right into Powstańców Warszawy Square from Świętokrzyska Street. We offer transfers for our guests, from any place in Warsaw or its vicinity such as: Chopin airport, Modlin airport or central train station. Our drivers are also available for any other requests with our Mecedes S-Class or Mecedes V-Class offering up to 7 seats. Hotel Warszawa is very conveniently located for walks to the Old Town, Zachęta Gallery, The National Museum or Vitkac department store.
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